12 oct. 20202 Min


By Naji Moulay Lahsen

Protocol Greetings (official and partners)

By 2030, Africa will be the continent with the largest increase in youth population. By 2050, Africa’s population will be made up predominantly of youth, with 2 in 5 children worldwide who will be Africans. These dynamics will influence on Migration. Education and skills are seen as foundational to both societies and will affect future generations at all levels of society, “central to development and to the improvement of the lives of young people.

Refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and internally displaced persons are vulnerable people with equal rights, and should be treated with dignity and be provided adequate protection.

Information about the Convention should also be shared with other regional organizations and governments outside of Africa, who may be interested in applying the insights from the Kampala Convention process to their own contexts.

Experiences in Africa and around the world have demonstrated that backing up innovative international agreements such as the Kampala Convention with strong domestic laws is essential to ensuring that the obligations laid out in these instruments don’t just exist on paper, but translate into improved practice.

Refugees, IDPs, Asylum Seekers and Migrants are central and can play a catalytic role in Africa’s development future as contributors and agents of change. Hence, it is essential to have their rights be protected, and we encourage states for the implementation phase of legal instruments and policy frameworks concerning them.

It is the responsibility of civil society organizations to hold the international community and governments accountable to ensure Internally Displaced children, women and Rights are protected.

We hope that participants in these three days discussions, different stakeholders have acquired useful information for their daily work and especially in the advocacy towards the protection of the rights of displaced persons in Africa.

Thank you for your friendly attention.
